Friday, February 11, 2011

Tonight's Money Supply Report

M2 rebounded in the most recent money supply figures released by the Federal Reserve.

The preliminary January 31st measure stood at $8.868 trillion. Annualized M2 growth over the past 13 weeks was 4.9% vs. annualized growth of 5.1% and 3.7% for the past 26 and 52 weeks. While the strong surge in M2 first noted last fall has eased somewhat, M2 growth continues to trend in a direction that suggests inflationary risks are increasing. Prices on U.S. Treasury bonds have begun to reflect those inflationary fears as yield on the 30-Year are now over 4 3/4%. Rates on 30-year fixed mortgages have also risen sharply this week and have now surpassed 5%.

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